Parish Email for Friday, 16 February 2024


St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church joyfully celebrates Black History Month! Stay tuned for exciting opportunities to join us, all month long, in commemorating and honoring this important time.


Black History Month Observance at St. Thomas continues this Sunday at 9 AM Adult Forum where we will be viewing a documentary on Emmett Till and his affects on the Civil Rights Movement.

A car- or van-pool will be leaving the St. Thomas’ parking lot at 2pm sharp!

Thank you to everyone who came out this past week for Kitchen of Hope!  Next giveaway is 9 March

The van schedule is changing!  Van rides to the 8 AM and 10:30 AM services will now be available every 3rd Sunday of each month!  Contact Sarah T to get on the schedule.

The Gloucester County Health Department will be sending their Mobile Health Outreach Van to St. Thomas’ on Sunday, 10 March from 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM.  They will provide health screenings, health education and vaccinations if needed.  We hope that a lot of people will participate!

Are you looking to step up your walk with Jesus? In the Episcopal Church, we have inherited a peculiarly Anglican way of practicing Christianity. Come join those preparing for Confirmation on Wednesday nights every other week from 6.30-7.30pm in the Parish Hall, beginning 21 February for eight weeks. All participants are encouraged to purchase James Griffiss, _The Anglican Vision_: each week we will discuss a chapter from that book.  Come early (6pm) and bring your own dinner to share a meal together. Come earlier (5.30pm) to enjoy a mid-week Eucharist, especially during Lent! You don’t have to be preparing for Confirmation in order to participate.

Diocesan confirmations are scheduled for Saturday, 18 May, at Trinity Cathedral. If you would like to be Confirmed, please speak to Fr. Todd. Preparation class (above) is suggested but not required.

Lectionary readings for this week:  Lent 1:  Genesis 9:8-17, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:9-15, Psalm 25:1-9

Lectionary readings for next week:  Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Romans 4:13-25, Mark 8:31-38, Psalm 22:22-30

Please continue in your daily prayers for:  Lou, Bob, Frances, Anna Marie, Sandy, Nancy, Linda, Katrina, Mary Esther, Kevin, Barry, Shea, Don, Donna, Dianna, Roe, Joe, Avery, Tracy, Sarah

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!

Prayer requests can be sent to

Watch our livestream here Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 8am & 10:30am!

Full-text of the liturgy is available at


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