Start your day with Morning Prayer

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Please join us for worship and service :

Saturday, 5.30pm: Holy Eucharist
Saturday, 7pm: Alcoholics Anonymous
Sunday, 8am: Contemplative Holy Eucharist
Sunday, 9am: Sunday School for all ages
Sunday, 10.30am: Family Service with Holy Eucharist
Monday, 4pm: Centering Prayer
Monday, 4.30pm: Evening Prayer
Tuesday, 5.30pm: Evening Prayer at Holy Trinity, Wenonah
Tuesday, 7pm: Bible Study (on Zoom)
Tuesday, 7pm: Work Crew
Wednesday, 5.30pm: Holy Eucharist with the Saints
Thursday, 10am: Holy Eucharist at Cardinal Village (2nd Thursday monthly)
Saturday, 8am: Kitchen of Hope (2nd Saturday monthly)
Monday through Saturday: Morning Prayer Podcast (rss)

Today at St. Thomas’

  • 5:30 pm
    Eucharist with the Saints

    Join us as we celebrate Holy Eucharist, often outdoors and usually remembering a Saint from our history!

Upcoming events…

Everyone is Welcome

We welcome you to worship with us! St. Thomas’ welcomes everyone regardless of age, abilities, physical or mental health, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity, income, education, political affiliation or faith commitment. The things which bind us are greater than the things that separate us, and the love of God is greater than all our divisions. Children are welcome at all services.

We are located at:

212 North Main Street
Glassboro, NJ  08028 [map]
(856) 881-9144

View our livestream.
Some events meet on Zoom.

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About Us

St. Thomas’ is an Episcopal Church, a member of the Anglican Communion. Striving to walk a middle way between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, we recognize the leadership of our Diocesan Bishop, our Presiding Bishop, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. We embrace the traditions handed down to us by the ancient Christian church with an attitude that is described as “comprehensive”: encompassing great diversity.

Our Mission

Q. What is the mission of the Church?
A. The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 865)