Christian Formation at St Thomas’
Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, self, others, and all creation. Every experience in our lives can provide us with the opportunity to express our faith; the challenge we face is recognizing these opportunities and learning ways to live a sometimes countercultural life in a secular world. The Episcopal Church
Christian formation is concerned to guide us into discovering the image of God which is at the center of our being. We do this in worship: in study, in service, and in community. Our job as a church is to create the space for this to happen. Our formation agenda is a series of invitations to know God, ourselves, and one another, and thus to grow up into the fullness of Christ.
Formation activities at St. Thomas’ include:
- Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
- The practice of the Church Year
- Sunday School for all ages
- Praying the Daily Office
- Small Groups
- Special events and activities for different ages and groups
- Opportunities to serve the church in various guilds and ministries and social groups
- Opportunities to serve our community, especially through Kitchen of Hope and Interfaith Hospitality Network.
- Alcoholics Anonymous
Every Christian journey is different. God encounters each of us in a unique way. As a church we offer a variety of time-tested opportunities that have been helpful to Christians in the past, and trust that God will become to present to each of us as and when God chooses. Our job is simply to strive to become ever more available to the Holy Spirit that God has already promised to send to us.