Parish Email for Friday, 15 January 2021



An article from the Rowan Thrive newsletter:

Reflection of Resilience in 2020 and Hope for Happiness in 2021

If you would have told me this time last year that I would be living amidst a global pandemic and spending most of my time at home, I would have thought you were crazy. 2020 really wasn’t what anybody expected. One moment, you’re just going about life as a college student and having the college experience and the next thing you know, a deadly virus is discovered, campus gets shut down halfway through the semester, and now you’re doing everything online until further notice. I mean, honestly, no one thought 2020 was going to end up the way it did.

Yet, despite the craziness of it all, 2020 has provided some good along the way – like looking within to find the simple joys and happiness. Things like discovering the convenience of curbside pick-up, or laughing at some funny GroupMe chats and connecting with friends over Netflix Parties and online Bingo nights, or even the ease of not having to go out in the rain to get to class. 2020 has also given us the drive to persevere through the hard times. Personally, I can think about the constant work I put in day in and day out to do well in all of my classes despite most of them being all online.

Though, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s next for 2021. Is it still going to be 2020 again or are we finally going to see that light at the end of the tunnel? While no one can give us the answer, the lessons we’ve learned from this year can help change our narrative and perspective. Together, we can remember the things we’ve learned from 2020 and the Rowan Thrive Model, simple joys and happiness, resilience, and taking care of ourselves, as we face 2021 with open arms. During this month-long break, I challenge everyone to find ways to incorporate self-care and redefine what it means to be resilient and happy for you. You might be surprised at how it changes your perspective into a positive one.

-Rachael Owen (she/her/hers)
Class of 2023
Public Health & Wellness


In this time of nation crisis leading to the presidential inauguration, Bishop Stokes has called the Diocese to a season of prayer and repentance, seeking God’s blessing, renewal, and healing for our nation. Bishop Stokes will be leading prayers all day Friday (today) as well as Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. See the announcement or sign up to join on Zoom at

Dubbed “A Day On, Not Off,” the diocese honors the legacy of Dr. King through worship, learning, and service. The diocese is making a special liturgy available to be used in churches and at home honoring the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Join us on Monday, 18 January at 10am on Zoom: or YouTube:

The Youth Group and Kitchen of Hope will be assembling KidzPacks in honor of MLK Day on Monday, 18 January, from 10am-noon. Attendance is limited in order to facilitate safe social distancing. Please to talk to Vivian H. or Daniel O. for more information.

The Kitchen of Hope Board congratulates its newest class of board members: Jim Gibbs, Bobby Kramer, Stacey Noll, and Sarah Ternay. Please give them your thanks for supporting this important ministry of St. Thomas’!

The Tuesday Night Bible Study began a study of Hebrews this week. It’s not too late for you to join! For more information, talk to Cole B. or anyone presently taking part in the study. Tuesday nights, 6.30pm, on Zoom.

The St. Thomas’ Annual Report is being prepared. One of the best parts of the report is hearing from all the different ministries at St. Thomas’, great and small. Please make sure the ministries you are involved in submit a report – just one or two sentences is all that is needed. Tell us what you do and how others can get involved! Submissions may be made by email to the church office:

The St. Thomas’ Annual Meeting is planned for Sunday, 31 January 2021 at 2pm. Join us via Zoom! “Members in Good Standing” according to the canons of the Episcopal Church (those who regularly contribute to support the ministry of St. Thomas’) are invited to utilize mail-in voting. Voter Guides with ballots attached were mailed out this week!

Numbered pledge envelopes have arrived! Pick yours up at an in-person liturgy or from the table in the lower level of the Parish Hall. If you are unable to pick them up, your number will stay the same: please write that number in the memo line of your check and you will receive full credit for each gift.

We continue to offer two outdoor Eucharists per week: Sunday at 10.30am and Wednesday at 5.30pm. These meet in rain or shine: please consider your clothing, your health, and the weather before joining us outdoors for 30 or 60 minutes. However, on Sunday mornings, if the temperature is below freezing as 10.30am approaches, we may choose to move the service into the Parish Hall (and broadcast it on Zoom).

Announcements for the bulletin or parish email are due into the office by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to or call the office at 856-881-9144. Announcements are subject to editing due to limited space.

Download this week’s bulletin or see the online version.

Lectionary readings for this week: 1 Samuel 3:1-20, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, John 1:43-51, Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17

Lectionary readings for next week: Jonah 3:1-5, 10, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Mark 1:14-20, Psalm 62:6-14

Please continue in your daily prayers for: Andrea, Bob, Jimmie, John, Lou, Marie, Marla, Helen, Erika, Gina, James, Nicholas, Jessica, Jimmy, April, Sarah, Kathryn, Dean, Chris, Jack, Nancy



Join us for Quinlan’s Birthday Parade on Saturday, 16 January. We’ll depart from the parking lot of the Bowe School (7 Ruth H Mancuso Ln) at 2pm. Vehicle decorations are welcome but not necessary. Please don’t bring gifts or cards or things to hand off: just honk and wave as you drive by!


This Weekend at St. Thomas’

Weekdays at St. Thomas’

Online events hosted by St. Thomas’ are accessed via Zoom: instructions here.


The state of New Jersey has open a “pre-registration portal” for residents to sign up to receive vaccination against Covid-19. Since the vaccine is being rolled out in phases, registering will help ensure you are notified when your turn comes. Register at:



On Monday, 1 February, the St. Thomas’ Book Group will start a new title, The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone, chosen to compliment our annual celebration of Black History Month. Join us on Zoom on Monday nights at 7pm. You can purchase a copy in your favorite bookstore. (I’m told that “Words Matter” bookstore in Pittman has at least one copy on hand and can quickly obtain more!) Please read the introduction and chapter 1 in advance of our first gathering.


See a calendar of Saints of the Episcopal Church.
Which Saint will you remember today?


See the official St. Thomas’ calendar or a list of upcoming events.
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!


Saturdays, 6pm: Holy Eucharist
in the Nave: limited to 12 pews of up to two people each

Sundays, 8am: Holy Eucharist
in the Parish Hall and online

Sundays, 9am: Sunday School
online: for children

Sundays, 10.30am: Holy Eucharist
outdoors, rain or shine, unless below freezing

Sundays, 6pm: Youth Group
online: for teens

Mondays, 4pm: Centering Prayer

Tuesdays, Noon: Coffee Hour

Tuesdays, 6.30pm: Small Group Bible Study

Wednesday, 5.30pm: Holy Eucharist
outdoors, rain or shine

Wednesdays, 7.00pm: Bible Study with the Bishop

Daily on Weekdays: Morning Prayer
online: recorded



Office telephone:

Emergency Pastoral Care:
Call this number if you have a pastoral emergency, such as an alert about an ailing parishioner, a hospital stay, a death in the family, or to request last rites. Leave a message and with a phone number for your call to be returned.


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