What’s Happening?

Ashes to Go 2020

Ashes to Go was a big day this year. Thanks to the combined efforts of the TEC@RU consortium, we provided Ashes for over 200 Rowan students, faculty, and staff, besides our own neighbors and congregations! You can also see a brief video.

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return!

Annual Meeting 2020

St. Thomas’ Annual Meeting was well-attended and completed in a timely fashion! Thank you to everyone who participated, especially those who served as Vestry or Delegates in the year past or who stood for election to serve in 2020!

MLK Day 2020

We tried something new for the MLK Day of Service this year, inviting friends and convocation to join us for worship and the assembly of KidzPacks. With 50 at worship, more than 70 at work in the Parish Hall (it was crowded!) and a delicious meal and fellowship to follow, it as a great day! Thank you to the many who helped make this happen and especially to Vivian Hanson who conceived of the idea and made it happen.

Counting Blessings 2020

Counting our Blessings Workshop at Holy Trinity, Wenonah: On Sunday, 38 people gathered from across the Diocese with our Bishop to celebrate the good things God is doing among us and consider how we might encourage and strengthen one another. St. Thomas’ was well represented!


On January 4th we celebrated our 12th Epiphany potluck meal. Thank you to all who came out for a night of fun. That night we also announced the winners of our gingerbread competition. Above are pictured those who found treasures in their cupcakes and thus will be the honored guests at next year’s Epiphany potluck!


Convocation Christmas Lessons & Carols with Holy Eucharist on the Sunday after Christmas was a huge success! St. Thomas’ showed up strong and helped pack the house! Let’s do it again next year!