Dear St. Thomas’,
The warnings from the CDC about traveling over Thanksgiving were disturbing, weren’t they? I hope that you found a safe and appropriate path through all the conflicting reasons and worries in order to celebrate a day of thanks. For a Christian, “thanks giving” can be a grateful sigh – or an act of faithful defiance. When the world tells us we’re missing out because things aren’t like you want them, things aren’t like “normal years”: it is those times we can offer thanks for the many good things we do still enjoy, most especially God’s favor and promise of a life that extends far beyond the mortal sphere.
Two changes in our life together are happening in the weeks to come. I want you to be aware of both so that you can make informed choices around both of them.
First, the Diocese has authorized singing as long as we are outdoors and following our standard protocol (minimum six feet apart, wearing masks snugly fitted over mouth and nose). We’re not passing out the hymnals (yet!) but we will begin this Sunday with a couple verses of “O come, O come Emanuel” as we begin our Advent celebration together. You may choose to leave an extra foot or two of margin around you for this reason. We have plenty of space to spread out!
Second, not this week but next we anticipate moving our 8am service from being exclusively online to a hybrid: online and indoors in the Parish Hall. Seating will be limited but not as limited as the nave. If you want to attend by Zoom, you may still do that. For those present, you will be seated either alone or with a single companion from your household, at a distance from anyone else. We will have the windows open and the heat blowing. It won’t be as warm as you’re used to, but neither will it be quite as cold as being outdoors.
Again this additional option for indoor worship will begin next Sunday, 6 December, for the second week of Advent. We will not be singing in this service.
Among all the settings in which we might find ourselves among other people, I have the greatest trust in our gatherings as the church. We have been diligent about cleaning, observing distancing rules, and wearing masks. Thank you for your continued efforts to show up for one another in safe ways that honor each person’s own choices around being careful in this season. These are the ways that we love one another.
St. Thomas’ was there for me when…
I remember my youth growing up in christian community at St. Thomas’ and how disciples like Betsy Rule, Betty Moody, Wally Drobil, Ray Stevens, and many others helped God and Jesus lay a foundation of faith in me. I appreciate what they did and how they taught me in the faith. Also I was blessed to be an acolyte to Father William J. Barnett. These were all true people of God and I am thankful to God for them. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and he uses many workers in the field to bring us all to the knowledge of the truth in Jesus Christ.
(This story was written on the back of a pledge card, to be shared with the parish.)
St. Thomas’ is hosting Family Promise this week. Thank you to Donna F. for organizing and all those supporting our work by providing meals even when families are not staying in our buildings!
Kitchen of Hope completed three food give-aways in November, feeding hungry families!
Game Night for youth is being moved up to this week, Sunday at 6pm. Contact Dan O. for details.
An Advent Retreat Day, Praying through the Hymnal, is being offered on Saturday, 28 November, from 9am to 1pm. Register at to receive the Zoom link. See the flier below.
Grungy Sunday has been delayed to 6 December from 11.30-2pm (or when we’re done). Bring a sandwich and a rake (or leaf-blower!): water and snacks provided! Together we will rake up all the leaves at St. Thomas’ and prepare our beautiful campus for the winter months.
The Children’s Ministry will host our 3rd Annual Gingerbread House Decorating event on Sunday, December 13 at 12:30pm in the Parish Hall. All of the pandemic protocols will be followed and you will need to RSVP by contacting Barbara K. or Gretchen O. by December 6.
A children’s Christmas Pageant with carols will be recorded via Zoom and shared with the congregation on Christmas Eve. If your children would like to participate, please contact Dan O. right away to be included in the script!
The next day set aside for baptisms is 10 January: the Sunday after Epiphany and the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you or someone you know is interested in baptism at that date, please speak with Fr. Todd right away.
Whether indoors or out, St. Thomas’ is taking steps to express our love for one another with safety precautions to prevent the spread of Covid. But no precautions are perfect. If you are especially vulnerable, around someone who is vulnerable, or just feel worried, you will not be judged for staying home. Listening to those concerns and acting prudently is exactly what you are called to do in this season. If gathering in person is not the right thing for you, join us for worship online instead!
Bishop Stokes is releasing weekly recorded versions of his sermons. New sermons are usually released Saturday evenings on Youtube. Tune in to hear a great preacher who is in touch with the pulse of our life together as the Diocese of New Jersey.
Every day you can join St. Thomas’ as we observe Morning Prayer together. You can listen in on the St. Thomas’ website Monday through Saturday, and join us live on Zoom on Sundays, with a sermon, at 8am.
St. Thomas’ offers weekly Sunday School for children online Sundays at 9am. Youth Group is offered for teens on Sunday evenings at 6pm: contact Daniel O. (or leave a message at the church office) for connection details for teens.
Join us online for Centering Prayer on Mondays at 4pm.
Coffee Hour will be online Tuesday at noon.
Thank you to Barbara C. and Tal K. for hosting the Red Cross Blood Drive this week! Your work is saving lives!
Join the Diocese of New Jersey and Episcopal Community Services at an online Summit on Building and Equipping the Beloved Community on Saturday, 12 December, from 10-11.30am. Register at
Rowan University and some Glassboro businesses are teaming up to provide food assistance to residents of Glassboro this season! You can pick up meals or they will deliver to Glassboro street addresses. For more information, and to sign up each Monday, go to:
Announcements for the bulletin or parish email are due into the office by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to or call the office at 856-881-9144. Announcements are subject to editing due to limited space.
Lectionary readings for this week: Isaiah 64:1-9, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Mark 13:24-37, Psalm 80:1-7,16-18
Lectionary readings for next week: Isaiah 40:1-11, 2 Peter 3:8-15a, Mark 1:1-8, Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
Please continue in your daily prayers for: Dennis, Marge, Joann, Sandy, Kass, Colleen, Dan, Kelly, Virginia, April, Carlene, Andrea, Joan, Jimmy, Lou, Marie, Helen, Bob, Bryan, Dot, Tracey, Julie, Bob, Kathy, Bob, Kathryn, Christopher, Rachel
This Weekend at St. Thomas’
- Saturday, 6.00pm: Holy Eucharist in the Nave (limited capacity: RSVP here)
- Sunday, 8.00am: Online Morning Prayer with Sermon
- Sunday, 9.00am: Online Sunday School for pre-school to pre-teens
- Sunday, 10.30am: Holy Eucharist Outdoors at St. Thomas’
- Sunday, 6.00pm: Online Sunday School for Teens
contact Dan O. for connection details - Sunday, all day: Holy Eucharist at St. Thomas’ (recorded)
Weekdays at St. Thomas’
- Daily Morning Prayer (Monday through Saturday)
- Monday, 4pm: Centering Prayer
- Tuesday, Noon: Coffee Hour
- Wednesday, 5.30pm: Holy Eucharist (outdoors at Lych Gate, rain or shine)
- Wednesday, 7.00pm: Bible Study with Bishop Stokes
Online events hosted by St. Thomas’ are accessed via Zoom: instructions here.
Advent & Christmas Special Events
- Tuesday 1 Dec 7pm Advent Vespers with Young Preachers* Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle featuring Jeannie Marcucci
- Sunday 6 Dec 7pm Diocesan Lessons & Carols Online
- Tuesday 8 Dec 7pm Advent Vespers with Young Preachers* Feast of St. Nicholas of Myra featuring Aviva Foster
- Tuesday 15 Dec 7pm Advent Vespers with Young Preachers* Feast of St. Nino of Georgia featuring Scott Carr
- Wednesday 16 Dec 7pm Longest Night Mass*
- Tuesday 22 Dec 7pm Advent Vespers with Young Preachers* Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle featuring Rachael Owen
- Thursday 24 Dec 4pm Christmas Eve Eucharist with Carols Outdoors
- Thursday 24 Dec 7pm Christmas Eve Eucharist with Pageant* In the Parish Hall and live on Zoom with pre-recorded Children’s Pageant
- Thursday 24 Dec 11pm Christmas Eve Midnight Mass Outdoors
- Friday 25 Dec 10am Christmas Day Mass*
All events subject to alteration according to the demands of public health. See the church website for the latest information.
*Indoor events can fill up: RSVP on the church website.
Join the church school in a “Reverse Advent Calendar” providing food for people in need through Kitchen of Hope!
During this season of coronavirus infections, when attending events on campus at St. Thomas’, please demonstrate your love for your friends and neighbors by:
- Wearing a mask (covering both mouth and nose)
- Remaining six feet apart from anyone you don’t live with
- Refraining from touching, hugging and shaking hands – even during the Peace
- Singing is only permitted outdoors, six feet apart, wearing masks
- Service bulletins you have touched must be taken home
- After the service everyone must disperse with no lingering
- No sharing of common objects such as pens, paper, etc.
Join the Diocese of New Jersey and Episcopal Community Services at an online Summit on Building and Equipping the Beloved Community on Saturday, 12 December, from 10-11.30am. Register at
See a calendar of Saints of the Episcopal Church.
Which Saint will you remember today?
See the official St. Thomas’ calendar or a list of upcoming events.
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!
Saturdays, 6.00pm: Holy Eucharist With Sermon
in the Nave: limited to 12 pews of up to two people each
Sundays, 8am: Online Morning Prayer with Sermon
Sundays, 9am: Sunday School
online: for children
Sundays, 10.30am: Holy Eucharist
outdoors, rain or shine
Sundays, 6pm: Youth Group
online: for teens
Mondays, 4pm: Centering Prayer
Tuesdays, Noon: Coffee Hour
Wednesday, 5.30pm: Holy Eucharist
outdoors, rain or shine
Wednesdays, 7.00pm: Bible Study with the Bishop
Daily on Weekdays: Morning Prayer
online: recorded
Office telephone:
Emergency Pastoral Care:
Call this number if you have a pastoral emergency, such as an alert about an ailing parishioner, a hospital stay, a death in the family, or to request last rites. Leave a message and with a phone number for your call to be returned.