Parish Email for Friday, 16 July 2021



VBS starts Sunday night!

This Sunday we welcome guest priest Father Rick Civalier while Father Todd is on vacation.

Join us for Adult Formation Wednesday night (7pm, via Zoom), as Jonathan Wilson leads in an exploration of “Seeing Dead People: Historical Controversies of the Christian Faith.”

History shapes how Christians live and understand ourselves. But it can be controversial. And because there’s so much of it, many people find history overwhelming … or just really boring. 

In this interactive formation series, we’ll demystify history from a Christian perspective. We will look at how historians actually do their work and why there’s so much disagreement about the past. We will reflect on how history can inform our spiritual practices. And we’ll develop some practical strategies for finding reliable works of history that you’ll actually enjoy. 

 This down-to-earth online workshop, facilitated by Jonathan Wilson, is recommended for history enthusiasts, history non-enthusiasts, readers of historical fiction, students, genealogists, social activists, or anyone else who wants to see the past from a fresh perspective.

All through the summer we will be collecting funds for Episcopal Community Services. Make your check payable to St. Thomas’ and mark “ECS” in the corner.

St. Thomas’ Church School Picnic will be on Saturday, 7 August, from noon to 6pm. Speak to Terry or Barbara Cadogan about what you would like to bring to share, and be sure to arrive by 2pm to join as we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. There will be no liturgy at the church building that day.

Lectionary readings for this week: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a, Psalm 89:20-37, Ephesians 2:11-22, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Lectionary readings for next week: 2 Samuel 11:1-15, Psalm 14, Ephesians 3:14-21, John 6:1-21

During this season of coronavirus infections, we love others as Jesus loves us by following a simple guideline: Those not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 must wear a mask and practice social distancing while on church grounds. Masks are optional for those who have been fully vaccinated.

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

See the official St. Thomas’ calendar for a list of upcoming events.

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!


Summer 2021 at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist on Lawn: Sundays, 10am
  • Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
  • Evening Prayer in Nave: Saturdays, 6pm
  • Live-streaming of Evening Prayer: Saturdays, 6pm

Adult Formation (all online):

  • Bible Study: Tuesdays, 7pm
  • “Seeing Dead People”: Historical Controversies of the Christian Faith, led by Jonathan Wilson: Wednesdays, 7pm (7, 14, 21 July)

VBS: 18-22 July (registration deadline 1 July)

Church Picnic at Camp Sun N’ Fun: 7 August, Noon (Holy Eucharist at 2pm)

Family Movie Night on the Lawn: 27 August, 7.30pm

Rally Day & Picnic: 12 September, Picnic follows 10am service


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