Parish Email for Friday, 13 August 2021



The coronavirus has not receded as hoped this summer. Due to low vaccination rates, the virus has been given opportunity to develop new, more infectious variants. The United States, and New Jersey, are experiencing another surge in infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. Thus, in following the recommendations of the CDC, our state government, and our Diocese:

1. Masks should be worn at all times while indoors on the St. Thomas’ campus.

2. Masks are optional for those who have been fully vaccinated while outdoors.


Remember to bring your Book of Common Prayer back to church this week, if you have one. We’ll have plenty on hand to lend out as well, and the full-text of the liturgy will continue to be available at

All through the summer we are collecting funds for Episcopal Community Services. Make your check payable to St. Thomas’ and mark “ECS” in the corner.

Congratulations to Jeannie Marcucci on her ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons! Watch the ceremony live on YouTube Saturday, 21 August here.

Kitchen of Hope is tomorrow!  Setup begins at 8am.  Additional hands are always needed for setup, distribution and/or breakdown.

Start to get ready for the Fall Flea Market to be held Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 8am to 2pm.  Rain Date September 25, 2021. Please contact Debbie Lubelski for information and table rentals at 856-694-2449.

Safe Church training is once again being offered live. While you can renew your training online, the first time you take it must be done in person. All Vestry members, staff, and anyone who works with children at St. Thomas’ is required to have this training. For more information and for training schedules, see

Lectionary readings for this week: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14, Psalm 111, Ephesians 5:15-20, John 6:51-58

Lectionary readings for next week: 1 Kings 8: [1, 6, 10-11], 22-30, 41-43, Psalm 84, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 6:56-69

Episcopal Relief and Development sent a thank you letter for our gift of $802. The letter has been posted in the Parish Hall.

If you are scheduling events at St. Thomas’ – or re-scheduling or canceling – please be sure to email the church office ( with all calendar updates. The canonical church calendar can be seen at . An up-to-date calendar avoids conflicting events and hurt feelings: it’s part of how we love one another. If your event is not on the calendar, your space isn’t reserved!

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

See the official St. Thomas’ calendar for a list of upcoming events.

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!


Summer 2021 at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist on Lawn: Sundays, 10am
  • Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
  • Holy Eucharist at the Lychgate: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
  • Holy Eucharist in Nave: Saturdays, 6pm
  • Live-streaming of Holy Eucharist: Saturdays, 6pm

Family Movie Night on the Lawn: 27 August, 7.30pm

Rally Day & Picnic: 12 September, Picnic follows 10am service

Ministry Fair:  19 September, between 8am and 10am service


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